
I am an Associate Professor in the Department of Computing at Xi’an Jiaotong Liverpool University, China. I am also the Programme Director of MSc Human-Computer Interaction and the leader of the Research Group of Interactive Visual Technologies. I obtained my PhD from the University of Groningen, the Netherlands, in 2013. My research focuses on interactive visualization, human-computer interaction and virtual/augmented reality. I am particularly interested in employing immersive visualization and embodied interaction techniques for exploring 3D spatial data.

I am looking for highly creative and collaborative students. I also have positions for PhD students and research assistants. If you are interested in Data Visualization, Human-Computer Interaction, Interface Design and Interaction Techniques, and if you are hardworking, creative and well-motivated for high-quality research, please send an email with your CV and research plan (lingyun.yu@xjtlu.edu.cn). For students who are interested in doing research with me, please take a look at my research interests. Your research interests and experience should be clearly stated in the email.

June, 2024

We will present “SpatialTouch: Exploring Spatial Data Visualizations in Cross-reality” in IEEE VIS 2024.

We won the Best Paper Honorable Mention Award in 11st The China Visualization and Visual Analytics Conference (ChinaVis). The paper title is “MapCraft: Dissecting and Designing Custom Geo-Infographics”.

Jifan Yang(杨济帆)will join us as a PhD student. Her topic will be “Collaborative and Immersive Visualization Environments for Data Exploration”(沉浸式可视化环境中的协作与数据探索).

March, 2024

Mei Wang(汪梅)will join us as a PhD student. Her topic will be “LLM- and VLM-based Visual Computing Technologies”(基于LLM和VLM的视觉计算技术.

December, 2023

Shuzi Zou (邹树滋)has started as my PhD student, working on Interaction Techniques for Visual Storytelling (叙事可视化的交互技术).

October, 2023

We will present “MeTACAST: Target- and Context-aware Spatial Selection in VRand “Cluster-Aware Grid Layout” in IEEE VIS 2023.

 I am co-organizing a workshop at ISMAR 2023, taking place in Sydney, Australia. The workshop’s primary focus is on “Immersive Visual Analytics“. 

Prof. Hai-Ning Liang and I are hosting a Special Issue titled “Recent Advances on Spatial User Interaction” (VSI: Advances on SUI 2023) for Computers & Graphics. We warmly invite you to consider submitting your excellent work to this special issue.

We will be presenting our paper titled ‘AR-Enhanced Workouts: Exploring Visual Cues for At-Home Workout Videos in AR Environment’ at UIST 2023.  This project is a collaboration work with Zhejiang University. 

September, 2023

We won the Best Short Paper Award in 16th International Symposium on Visual Information Communication and Interaction (VINCI 2023). The paper title is “EmotionVis: Affective Visualization with Physical Devices”.

July, 2023

We won the First Prize award of Visualization Competition in ChinaVis 2023 (Chongqing). The topic is “Unfolding Cultural Narratives via Situated Visualizations”.

We won the Best Poster Award in ChinaVis 2023 (Chongqing). The topic is “L-WiM: Collaborative Exploration in Immersive Environments”.

We presented our research paper “Visual Harmony: Text-Visual Interplay in Infographics” in ChinaVis 2023.

April, 2023

We presented our research paper ” A Study of Zooming, Interactive Lenses and Overview+Detail Techniques in Collaborative Map-based Tasks” in IEEE Pacific Visualization Symposium (PacificVis 2023).

March, 2023

Fuqi Xie (谢馥琪)has started as my PhD student, working on Perception-enhanced Methods for Immersive Exploration (沉浸式环境下感知增强技术).

Together with Hai-Ning Liang (XJTLU) and Fotis Liarokapis (CYENS – Centre of Excellence, Cyprus University of Technology), we organized a workshop on “Mixing Realities: Cross-reality Visualization| Interaction| and Collaboration” in EEE Conference on Virtual Reality and 3D User Interfaces (IEEE VR 2023).

We presented our research paper “Design and Development of a Mixed Reality Acupuncture Training System” in IEEE Conference on Virtual Reality and 3D User Interfaces (IEEE VR 2023).

January, 2023

Principal Investigator. Natural Interaction Techniques for Immersive Data Visualization (国家自然科学基金面上项目自然交互驱动的沉浸式空间可视化数据探索), National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC), General Program. 2023 to 2026.